Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Getting up to date! Pictures from 2013...

Vacation to St. George with Granny and Doug
Ireland's soccer game...playing for Northern Peaks
(nice tongue in cheek action)
Caleb's soccer team (his buddies Gabe and Carter on his team)
Caleb's awesome spiderman cake...I'm sure you are thinking it's store bought but little old me made it! Ha Ha! Ya, I'm not the greatest at cake decorating but A for effort! He turned 6!
Ethan, Ireland, Ryan, and Caleb at beach near Carlsbad, California. 
They played in the ocean for hours!
Love this picture! Ireland, Ethan and Ryan
Here's my good looking hubby! Lucky me!
Let's check out another shot of that physique! 
I'm usually the photographer, but every once in a while I get caught in a picture
We booked a couple adjoining hotel rooms at La Costa Resort in Carlsbad, CA. Ethan ended up flooding the toilet in one of the rooms (ha ha!) and they didn't have any other rooms available so they put is in the villas! They rent for $1200/night, but they just charged us the regular room fees. We've never been so happy to have a kid clog/flood a toilet! It was a fabulous vacation and we owe it all to Ethan!! 
Picture of the La Costa Villas from our Villa balcony. We had 3 pools and hot tubs all to ourselves.
Hacking family reunion in St.George. We hiked a trail in Snow Canyon.
These two cuties! I like to pretend they are twins and match their outfits. Ha! (Not really)
A look at the aging me. Those eyelids keep sagging :(
Etown (10 is) and Caleb (6)
Ireland being her usual photogenic self
Scott thought it would be a great idea to get Ethan a dirt bike for his birthday. I'm not a fan, but what's a mom to do? Check out Ryan's face! Haha!
Etown is made for football! He has a football body and loves it. He plays on the line so I can't get a good action shot of him so here's him taking a break...
He had a undefeated year and then lost in the championship game. Bummer!
Love this picture of Ireland
Me, Ireland, and Granny. Ireland's choir performance. She has a beautiful voice that she did not get from me. I can't sing at all, just ask my kids and Scott.

Love this picture of Caleb and Ireland. They love playing in the ocean!
We went to the less crowded Knott's Berry Farm instead of Disneyland this time and the kids loved it! Caleb cried that he couldn't ride some of the scary rides that he wasn't tall enough to ride. All of my kids are dare devils! They wanted to go on all the twisty upside down rides.
Ireland and Caleb. She's mommy #2. 

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