Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Email

I forgot to get all my email addresses off my email site before it was shut down. Too many things to remember when you move! Anyway, please email me at our new email address stentmd@gmail.com, so I have your email address.

Thank you!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Word to the Wise...

Our house sold very quickly so we have to move into a rental house for 3 months before we make the big move. The moving of stuff has gone well, but Scott and I are ready to sell the kids on ebay. Word to the wise...don't move if you have a 2 year old. Have I mentioned that Caleb is almost 2? He has been CRAZY! Scott has had to load stuff onto the trailer while holding Caleb, otherwise Caleb screams at the top of his lungs. He unloaded the trailer with Caleb in the back pack (more than once). It seems the chaos and lack of structure this week while moving has put Caleb over the edge. Ryan, Ireland and Ethan are slightly less crazy. Slightly. Here's a couple of pictures of them when they weren't acting crazy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Case in point...

Did I just mention (post below) that Caleb is well into the "terrible twos"? Just a small sample of his work.


Caleb's 2nd birthday is coming up next month but he's already deep into the "terrible twos". He's determined to show us who's boss. Good thing he's so dang cute!
By the way, a couple days ago, Caleb came up from the basement with blood gushing down his face. Luckily Scott was just getting home from work and immediately went to get his gear out to stitch him up. I went downstairs to see what had happened and found 2 long vacuum cleaner attachments, a big drop of blood nearby, and Ryan hiding out under a blanket. Apparently there was some innocent "sword fighting" going on.
So I held Caleb down (feeling like the worst mom ever), while Scott stitched him up. Luckily Caleb doesn't hold grudges yet. We feel pretty lucky that this is only the 2nd time one of our kids has needed stitches (especially when 3 of the 4 of them are boys).