Thursday, December 17, 2009

Only in Utah...

While I was making dinner tonight Ethan said, "Mom, while we were playing wall ball at school a fifth grader said the "s" word."
Me: "Really? That's not good."
Ethan: "and he also said the "s-h" word."
Me: (????) "So what exactly is the "s" word?"
Ethan: "you know, stuuu"
Me: "Stupid?"
Ethan: "yeah"
Me: "What is the s-h word?" (should I ask him that?)
Ethan: "shuutt"
Me: "Shut up?"
Ethan: "yeah mom"
Me: "Don't hang around that kid anymore--he's BAD!"

Just Kidding! I didn't say that! I just laughed inside. Ohhh, if he could only stay this pure forever!

We are never moving.