Sunday, October 14, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

September/October Highlights

Scott, Ethan and Ryan at the Joseph Smith Barn in Palmyra, New York.
We've been so lucky to have lots of company over the last month! Chad, Bren and Aden came to visit over Labor Day weekend. Julie, Will, and Alyssa came to visit the last week of September. My mom, Lorenne, Jen, and my nieces McKenzie and Mia came to visit the beginning of October. And Doug and Janet came to visit the second weekend in October. We went to Niagara Falls, Letchworth State Park, Brown's Berry Patch, Powers Farm Market, Stokoe Farms, Church History Sites, Bristol Mountain, Naples, and Strong Museum. We also took the paddleboat out on the Erie canal. We've stayed up late, eaten lots of unhealthy foods, and had a great time!! Thanks for coming to see us!

Hacking Highlights

Caleb at 6 months. Eyes turned green!