Friday, October 31, 2008


Caleb the fireman--Ethan, Ryan and Caleb have all worn it.

Ryan the policeman. I dressed him up for preschool yesterday and he was the only one dressed up. Guess I didn't read the note from the preschool that said the kids should not wear their costumes? Apparently some of the kids get scared by some of the costumes...big babies.

Ireland wanted to be a "singer" for Halloween. After searching high and low, we found an American Idol contestant costume. (??)

Ethan as Obi wan Kenobi. He's the best-looking Obi I've seen!


Allred Family said...

What cute costumes. Looks like you all had a fun Halloween. Your kids are so dang cute (little Caleb is adorable, he is not a baby anymore...when did that happen)?

Hacking it up said...

Cute kiddos!! They all look great! Love their pumpkins too!! I can't believe that they are such big babies at pre-school... :)

Tell the kids thanks for the Halloween card!! It made everyone's day!! We miss you!!