Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Video games...

Why do boys love video games? Does Ethan look a little in the zone? Can't be good. I put my foot down on video games, can you tell? Scott overrided my efforts. Don't even think about it Caleb.


Jen V said...

Finally a new post! Yippe!! I can't believe how big Caleb is getting! Jack is a total gamer nerd too. Same deal- I was opposed, but Patrick vetoed me opinion!! Jack would play games on or all day long if I let him! He loves going to Lorenne's because they have "real video games" on that HUGE tv in the basement. It's total bliss for Jack.

Hacking it up said...

i, DETEST,, LOATHE with every fiber of my being any and all video games!!! I lost the battle here too...although I stood my ground for a long time, ...until Lance showed up one day with a dang wii...I hate those things...

P.S. Change your background...those snowflakes are totally stressing me out! :)

Richardson Five said...

Yea, I figured out how to comment!
I so know that zoned look. I can't stand it either. How did Scott get his way on this?...I thought you wore the pants Megan!:)

Mia said...

Who says dads have a say? Rob keeps insisting that my kids are his kids too. I mean c'mon. What a load of crap.

OK, so I'm a control freak.