Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Catch Up...part 1

It's been a long hiatus...here's a bit of a catch up in pictures....not in order...we had fun vacations to California and Texas, birthdays, school events, sporting events, church events, family gatherings, holidays, etc...
Ryan, Scott and Caleb at cousin Zach's baptism

Ethan, summer 2012, 1st year of tackle football

Caleb's first day of Kindergarten

Ryan at Ireland's soccer game in Kaysville

Ethan's Birthday (Caleb and Ethan)

Ryan and Micah at cousin Zach's baptism

Ethan and Ryan after the 5K run (school fundraiser)

Caleb with his buddy Carter at the 5K run. They ran the whole way!

Caleb's first season of soccer. There team won every game but one. (Caleb's friend Gabriel in the picture too)

Ethan had a great season...he played left tackle and center

Halloween...Ethan was Where's Waldo, Ryan was a Skeleton (again) and Caleb was spiderman

Ireland on Halloween...biker girl

Ireland's soccer team (Northern Peaks)

Caleb and Gabriel (friend) graduating from pre-school

Ireland won several awards...academic award (straight A's,) perfect attendance, and scored high on National tests

Girls Camp 2012! First time I've been since I was a teenager. I'm the Beehive Counselor
(left to right and front to back...Cami, Biff, Me, Staci, Cynthia, Natalie, Kim and Janae)

Alpine Quail Fire...taken from our driveway

Vacation to Dana Point, California
Strand Beach

Lorenne and Ireland (daredevils!)
Another picture of the Quail Fire (base was about 2-3 miles from our house)

Spring Break 2012 in San Antonio, TX...Marriot Hill Country Resort

6th grade dance...Ireland and Luke Cloward (neighbor)

Vacation in California...Dinner at restaurant on the water
(Patrick and Jen, Doug and Mom, Nate and Morgan, Craig and Brit, Lorenne and Rob, Scott and Me)

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