Monday, August 3, 2009

20 Year High School Reunions

Yes we are 38 years old! I can't hardly believe it! I still feel like I'm 20 something! We had a great time at my reunion. Here are my friends from high school that I still see regularly. Don't they all look great? I was impressed that most people looked pretty good and have aged nicely.In the picture, Shalmarie, Laura, Tricia, Heidi and Nicki

The next night we went to Scott's 20 year reunion. It was a lot of fun too. Pictured above is Scott's long time friend who lived right across the street, Dorian (and wife Stephanie) and another long time friend, Dave and his wife.

Here are some of Scott's friends. I think they went to school together from elementary on.

1 comment:

Hacking it up said...

I heard the reunion was fun--wish I could have gone! I can't believe I'm that old...