Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Word to the Wise...

Our house sold very quickly so we have to move into a rental house for 3 months before we make the big move. The moving of stuff has gone well, but Scott and I are ready to sell the kids on ebay. Word to the wise...don't move if you have a 2 year old. Have I mentioned that Caleb is almost 2? He has been CRAZY! Scott has had to load stuff onto the trailer while holding Caleb, otherwise Caleb screams at the top of his lungs. He unloaded the trailer with Caleb in the back pack (more than once). It seems the chaos and lack of structure this week while moving has put Caleb over the edge. Ryan, Ireland and Ethan are slightly less crazy. Slightly. Here's a couple of pictures of them when they weren't acting crazy.


Allred Family said...

wow you guys are moving, that is crazy. Moving is such a chore, especially with kids. Glad your house sold so quickly. Looks like we are moving this summer as well. A position opened in Colorado Springs at the Air Force Academy. We are so excited...but not looking forward to the actual moving part...crazy times.

Richardson Five said...

Oh my goodness. First I have to say, considering the economy, you so lucky to sell your home right away. However, I can't believe you have to move for three months and move again...oh Megan! You are so tuff. I would cry. I am always such a wreck when we move. I wish I was there to help you. Caleb is a crack up . I am sure not to you right now, but you will be able to look back someday and laugh.

I can't believe the day has finally come!!! are done Lady!