Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summer's End...

The end of the summer is almost here and although I love the summer, I am happily relinquishing my "entertainment" chairperson duties! I have exhausted myself entertaining kids all day. We've been to the park many times, swimming lessons, vacations, riding bikes, playing outside, playing with friends, soccer camps, movies, and today we went to the zoo. We'll get in a few more times at the pool, Chad and Bren are coming for Labor Day weekend, and then school starts up again.

Ethan, Ireland and friends Kate and Stratton

Kate, Ireland, Stratton, Ethan, Erica, Nathan and Ryan

Pretty good shot of the zoo polar bear (if I do say so myself)

Ethan and Ireland on the climbing apparatus

Ry Ry

Ethan's got talent--upside down with hat staying on

Cale loves to swing

1 comment:

Richardson Five said...

What a cute, fun family! My favorite pic is Caleb at Disneyworld...I so understand the joy Caleb!